About Us

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Shawn, originally New Yorker, transported to Tennessee for a few years, chased the love of his life in Iowa, only to move her back to Tennessee. Rachael, small town Iowa girl that traveled the globe to find her love in Tennessee. Little did we know how much our lives would change when Little Miss Magdalyn Joy entered the world. Join our journey through the unknown of Maggie's medical issues, known truths of God, and the nuts and bolts of life.


On our way to Iowa

We are loaded up and on our way to Iowa. My sister and her family stayed with us and helped me do a thorough cleaning of the house. What a great help they've been!
Now we are taking them back to Iowa. Plus Shawn has a doctor's appointment. Some of you may remember Shawn's work injury from 2 years ago. For those of you that don't know, he fell about 6-7 feet off a ladder. He went to therapy for it for a while and got other opinions when we moved down here, but the most recent doctor basically told him he is going to have to deal with it and manage it with pain killers. Not cool! His back is just not the same. He is very limited it what he can do and where his pain threshold is. Those around us may have noticed that I am usually the pack mule and am always the one to carry Mags' carseat. This is intentional as to not stress his back more. So, this trip is for him to be evaluated for a maximum impairment rating to see about some sort of settlement. We'll see how this all works out.
We debated whether or not Maggie and I should go back to Iowa with them or not. But, in the end, we decided that if we didn't come back, that would make for one depressed momma through the Christmas season, and that wouldn't be good for any of us!
This past week, Maggie had been backed up off and on a little more. Last Tuesday was an exceptionally off day. We couldn't quite figure it out. Her prescription refill was a new supplier. Hmm?? I thought through my diet?? Hydration? Nothing seemed to make sense. Then I asked my sister, "Is it a full moon by any chance tonight?". She looked out the window and and told me that it looked pretty close if not. AH HA! I went to look it up to confirm and then frantically searched through our documentation. This was the third month in a row with a full moon being a bad day! One of those being our last ER visit 2 months ago. Last month my suspicion was up, but this time confirmed my theory that full moons exaggerate things with her. I am somewhat relieved to identify this, because it means we will have bad days, but they will pass. It isn't automatic downhill spiral.
What we do know is when her colon gets backed up and she doesn't have any poppies for a while, that could be bad news for us. This week we've had a few days of concern, but hopefully things are moving a little better. Most parents fight over who "has" to change the poopie diaper. We pray for poopie diapers when we get to the point of Operation Poopie Pants, and whoever gets the poppies is the winner! I know...way to much info, but hey, that's our life!

In other news, we have been extremely overwhelmed by the financial support we have been receiving. We are constantly receiving generous gifts. I'm shocked with how many have shared the website and the orders my sister has been getting. Also, without me really knowing much of anything, I found out about a Wrapped with Love gift wrapping event to help raise funds for the Magster. It was kind of surreal reading and hearing details about it and realizing that it's for OUR daughter. For those in Greeneville, it will be Saturday afternoon at Hal Henard Elementary. Check out www.fccgreeneville.com for more info. Another cool thing is I just got a message from a friend that said her grandma would like to sell wristbands to her Bingo crew to help raise money and support for Mags.
If only money could buy her complete restoration! Which in a sense, the more opportunities for the intensive therapies, the more optimally she will be able to function.
Which, we have our next trip to Connecticut set for December 17-19. It's looking like Nana and Grandpa will be chauffeuring us this time.

So many blessings all around, remind me that this is what the body of Christ looks like in action.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for your sweet little Maggie every day. She is so blessed to have you and your husband. She has touched my heart. May God give you peace and HOPE.
    Mary Ellen Honeycutt
