Yep, world's latest Christmas letters got sent out this week. Should have or be landing in most homes. I wasn't exactly thorough with getting them out, so here's our "Christmas" letter and picture! If you would have expected one, and we missed you, I apologize for the oversight. My process wasn't the greatest this year!
I have to admit, though we held little stock in the hype, I was quite disappointed to wake up on the 22nd, confirming the world had not ended. (in part because looking at the date reminded me I would be 30 in a month) The other part was being hopeful for our eternity and perfection in heaven. All in all, I guess it means we need to get Christmas cards done. Possibly, just maybe, we are also dragging our feet because we just don’t know how to summarize our year.
Each one of us is called to the same mission of giving the Lord glory and sharing His story. Though it is the same mission for all of us, it looks drastically different for each individual. Neither of us could’ve expected how this past year would unfold or where we fit in the story.
The anticipation and excitement of the birth of Little Miss kept us in wonder for the first 5 months of the year. Magdalyn Joy’s birth on May 15 seems like an eternity ago. She has definitely fulfilled her name by bringing so much JOY into our lives. Needless to say, much agony, heartache, and uncertainty has also taken up residency in our home.
At 6 weeks Maggie began having full tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizures. We’ve had 3 LONG stays at the hospital (emotionally longer than the physical stay--compared to other families that are there for months.) Throughout this year’s journey, I have gained my own medical degree and we have learned SO much about God’s amazing creation, our bodies. It is absolutely fascinating how everything works together, or, in Maggie’s case, has some trouble.
As of now, we have absolutely NO answers. She is on 4 anti-convulsants, has had multiple tests (MRI, CT scan, bloodwork), only to determine there is a lot that‘s not quite right. The therapy we have found (Integrative Manual Therapy) has proven to be a tremendous blessing in helping to restore her systems to work more optimally together and has allowed her to make strides developmentally. We have all dramatically changed our eating habits and try to limit as many toxins as we can in order to lighten the load on her system. We continue to seek answers with genetic tests, continued therapy, and other possible treatments.
Our paths have crossed medical professionals, other “special” parents, and complete strangers that we have been able to encourage and others that have encouraged us. There is no way we would ever be able to survive this major trial without His renewed strength and the amazing body of Christ, all our friends and family.
Even though we know nothing and often wonder if any given situation is going to be her tipping point, our trust and faith rely in the ONE who is in control. We rest in the fact that neither death nor life can separate us from His love. Maggie’s compromised health is a key component in how our family shares His story.
Feel free to follow our continued journey and check out other info at &
Love-Shawn, Rachael, & the Magster
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