I got a phone call from Vanderbilt genetics a little while ago. I didn't even hear it ring, but seeing the 615 area code, and remembering it's been about 5 or 6 weeks since we sent out the genetics tests, I just knew it was the Menkes results. Without delay, I listened to the message, and... "Magdalyn does NOT have the genetic mutation for Menkes" HALLELUJAH!! This is the very progressive, death within the first couple of years, miserable disease. And, my daughter doesn't have it!! I was careful to listen to the entire message, and the doctor repeated a couple of times that the test was negative. I'm glad it didn't leave me in question. I called Shawn right away! Even though neither of us really thought this was a strong possibility, the weight that was lifted was amazing. It's not that I was worried about it, but knowing she wasn't given that death sentence was extremely freeing. I wanted to shout it from the roof top. MAGGIE DOES NOT HAVE MENKES! Even though we would like answers to know what's going on, I would take no answer any day over the alternative with this test.
p.s. She has been a cooky little smiley bug the past few days! And, she was really strong lifting her neck while on her tummy at PT today!
Shawn (PP!) and Rachel - we have been praying for Maggie since we heard about her complications, and have been amazed at her strength and your ability to cope with everything. This year God led us to adopt your family for the holidays, and we collected $300 for you to use for Maggie's care!! We are continuing to pray for a miracle for Maggie and for you all on this journey - keep looking to HIM for your strength and encouragement!! Holding you up in love and faith - Rebecca, Cole (SF MN 2011), Jeff, Bri, and Justin