About Us

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Shawn, originally New Yorker, transported to Tennessee for a few years, chased the love of his life in Iowa, only to move her back to Tennessee. Rachael, small town Iowa girl that traveled the globe to find her love in Tennessee. Little did we know how much our lives would change when Little Miss Magdalyn Joy entered the world. Join our journey through the unknown of Maggie's medical issues, known truths of God, and the nuts and bolts of life.


Sweet baby doll!

After the bombshell of last week, we have seen lots of good things this week.  We continue to be encouraged.  Also, the more Shawn and I process everything, the more we know how debilitating FEAR can be.  We know that FEAR is not of God.  Everything seems unbearable and difficult when we dwell in unknown and let our minds go astray.  I have to continually remind myself of the Philippians 4:8 "whatever is true..., think about these things"  That means, whatever is true at this moment, not the what-ifs and could-bes.  And at this moment, we have a smiley fun little girl that IS making improvements and continuing to grow and develop.  She has become more verbal with expressing herself, frustrations and all!  (We are the abnormals that take that as a woo hoo positive)
Our fun for this week was trying to figure out clicking and sticking our tongue out.  Over the past couple of weeks, I have really focused on trying to connect/communicate with her and see what all she could be processing.  It's so fun to watch her try to figure things out.  Grandpa started to clicking last weekend and I noticed she was really trying to process it all, so we went with that this week.
We have also been trying to re-establish some sort of schedule.  A friend and I were talking last weekend, and I was reminded how important that sleep is for brain development.  Also, I know how beneficial it is for kiddos to have some  level of predictability.  I have been trying to protect her naps a little more and schedule things accordingly.  However, her is a glimpse of our past week:
Monday-cardiologist in Johnson City-heart good
Tuesday-PT in Knoxville
Wednesday-OT in Greeneville
Thursday-PT in Knoxville
Friday-Early Intervention meeting at house and Dr. office for growth check
Amazingly, they were all in the afternoon and I somehow I feel like we are getting a little more into a groove.  Next week doesn't appear much better though, and I don't really anticipate an end in sight to the living out of the car.
Wednesday-appt in Nashville with GI
Thursday-rest!  (as of now)
As crazy as everything seems at times, overall, we are doing very well.


  1. Mary Ellen Honeycutt28 October, 2012 23:31

    Rachael - We have never met, but I am following your blog. I work for the school system in the Central Office. I wanted you to know that I am praying for your precious Maggie. And for you and for Shawn. I think she is a beautiful little angel and I pray that you will be able to connect all the dots that will bring you peace and I pray for Maggie's healing. God bless you and your sweet family.

  2. I know we don't get to talk much at Church and when we do I know don't quite know what to say. I know you all are tired and pushing on with God's strength so it feels like small talk just doesn't cut it. Reading your blog posts helps me know how to pray for you all which we do regularly. Thanks for continuing to post and keep us all update to date.
